Poor housing harms health in American Indian and Alaska Native communities
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Poor housing harms health in American Indian and Alaska Native communities

Robbed of ancestral lands, American Indian and Alaska Native tribal communities face an unparalleled housing crisis that pleads for national housing reforms. As victims of centuries of intentional government policies to remove and reallocate lands and resources, many live in third-world conditions that have led to sky-high rates of health problems, ranging from diabetes and…

How to stay strong and coordinated as you age
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How to stay strong and coordinated as you age

So many physical abilities decline with normal aging, including strength, swiftness, and stamina. In addition to these muscle-related declines, there are also changes that occur in coordinating the movements of the body. Together, these changes mean that as you age, you may not be able to perform activities such as running to catch a bus,…

Sexual fluidity and the diversity of sexual orientation
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Sexual fluidity and the diversity of sexual orientation

Who are you today? Who were you a decade ago?  For many of us, shifts in our lives — relationships, jobs, friendships, where we live, what we believe — are the only constant. Yet it’s a common misconception that sexual orientation develops at an early age and then remains stable throughout one’s life. Rather, changes…